Hemp Oil is very beneficial in all types of skincare, massage and vitamins. This Massage contains a dual-phase hemp oil in conjunction with massage oil. The Hemp not only penetrates the muscle depper but also hydrates the skin. Envelop your body in rainbows of relaxation! This dual-phase body oil nourishes skin and brings instant luminosity. Crafted with unique heat-activation, it makes you feel warm & tingly as you spread this golden and glistening oil over your skin. The warming sensation is heightened with warm PJ’s, blanket, friction/massage, and even sunlight! Plus, it delivers such supple skin and and a covetable natural glisten from pink minerals.
Rainbow Maker Massage sessions are
- 30 Min Sessions $ 50.00
- 45 Min Sessions $ 70.00
- 60 Min Sessions $ 90.00
- 90 Min Sessions $ 130.00
- 120 Sessions $ 175.00
Our Rainbow Maker® Warming Hemp Relaxation Dual-Phase Body Oil is also available for Retail Purchase