This Mild-Pressure massage helps to encourage the lymph fluids in the body to move around. Several Treatments are recommended to get the full effect of the treatment.
One of the best ways to break up accumulated fluid and reduce swelling is a lymphatic massage using gentle pressure. When paired with other strategies such as compression or lifestyle changes, massage can help reduce swelling and ease discomfort.
Lymphatic drainage massage has traditionally been used to treat lymphedema that happens after a medical condition or surgery. However, in recent years it has become a popular treatment to address a number of health concerns, including skin care, weight loss and detoxification of your lymphatic system.
You can receive lymphatic massage from a trained, certified professional or perform basic drainage techniques yourself. It may not be appropriate if you have a heart condition, liver or kidney disorder or a current infection. Always talk to your doctor before starting a new healthcare routine or practice.
Sessions are
- 60 Minutes Session $ 75.00
- 90 Minutes Session $ 115.00
- 120 Minutes Session $ 150.00